Friday, June 10, 2016


Hi. I exist to fill your life with sorrow and disappointment.

I am your shattered hopes and dreams, and your long-lost childhood innocence.


Also known as, 01.

Hello there.

It's so nice to meet you (again). Yay. Socialising.

There are three admins on this blog. 01, Jōhō, and Serena. Again ; I am 01.

Would you like to understand and get to know me better? No? Oh well. I will tell you some stuff anyways.

#01: My name is 01. Call me that. Merci beaucoup.

#02: Please refer to moi, 01, as "they, them," as you do not know my gender or sex, and it is preferred you don't try to guess... at least not on this blog. Again, merci.

#03: Yes, I will speak this robotically and emotionlessly throughout the whole blog. But, you can look forward to my post titles.

#04: I am uninteresting, because your younger selves will to live and innocent desires were quite uninteresting as well, and, again, I am simply an embodiment of all that.


Well. Looks like I'm making this post a little long. I suppose I'll be signing off now.

À bientôt, mes amis.


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