Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I'm Sane

Hello guys, it's Sere here and this time I am not sleep deprived so I am less like an insane whatever-that-was.

So yeah.

So anyway, I'm here, and school is ending soon. Hooray whoopty-doo and all that jazz.

Finals are done (cue more jazz or whatever) and summer is approaching with open arms and a promise of relaxation. I guess.

Life's been alright I suppose. I mean, nothing particularly good has happened to me, but nothing particularly bad either.

But my life is boring so you all probably don't want to hear about it. So, I'll probably just start talking about random junk on this blog and hope you all enjoy it.

So that's pretty much it for today.

See ya (figuratively speaking you know what I mean).

-Sere is waiting for summer

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Nugget who Stopped Caring


I'm a person so,,,

Hi how are you doing today don't answer that I don't actually care. I'm so nice aren't I hahahaha. Anyway. I'm actually the nicest admin here so,,,good luck on this blog.

So I'm Serena Reese. Nice to meet you [not]. Ok it's 12:30 am so I'm probably just really out of it so like, bear with me here.

So this is me and no I am not quoting a Demi Lovato song from a 2008 Disney original movie. 

Feel free to call me Sere or Rina or Serena because I don't really care to be honest. 

So enjoy this little internet junkyard filled with useless trash we have going on here and stuff. See ya around. Wait no I won't this is the internet. Eh, whatever. Good enough.


-Rina is so done with life


Hi. I exist to fill your life with sorrow and disappointment.

I am your shattered hopes and dreams, and your long-lost childhood innocence.


Also known as, 01.

Hello there.

It's so nice to meet you (again). Yay. Socialising.

There are three admins on this blog. 01, Jōhō, and Serena. Again ; I am 01.

Would you like to understand and get to know me better? No? Oh well. I will tell you some stuff anyways.

#01: My name is 01. Call me that. Merci beaucoup.

#02: Please refer to moi, 01, as "they, them," as you do not know my gender or sex, and it is preferred you don't try to guess... at least not on this blog. Again, merci.

#03: Yes, I will speak this robotically and emotionlessly throughout the whole blog. But, you can look forward to my post titles.

#04: I am uninteresting, because your younger selves will to live and innocent desires were quite uninteresting as well, and, again, I am simply an embodiment of all that.


Well. Looks like I'm making this post a little long. I suppose I'll be signing off now.

À bientôt, mes amis.


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Introduction or something idk lolol

     Hello. This is a blog shared between three different admins, Jōhō, 01, and Serena. Obviously those aren't our real names. Wait what of course those are our real names. Haha. ha. I'm funny.

     Anyways,,,,,,, on this blog, we will be writing random things about other random things. Sweet sweet cool. By the way, we will symbolize who we are by using certain fonts. This font symbolizes that the current writer is Jōhō. How cool. Yes yes applaud us.

I will warn you that we have no lives whatsoever and reading this blog will probably mean that you all have no lives either. But that's okay! Who wants lives anyways? Absolutely no one. Duh.

Have a nice stay at our blog, you no lifer! Wait what.