Saturday, July 2, 2016

Black Butler


So I may have watched Black Butler for the first time...

It was actually really good. Well, I only watched season 2, but I imagine season 1 was just as good.

Ciel is literally so cute and I love him so much, like, yes. I love how he is absolutely so done with pretty much everything that happens to him.

Sebastian is freaking awesome okay. He certainly is one hell of a butler. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a demon as a butler?

You know, besides people who want to keep their soul past the contract and go to heaven after they die.

And Alois, oh my God Alois. I started out hating him so much but then I felt really bad for him when I learned about his past. And I just really liked him once I realized what a relatable person he was.




And when Ciel became a demon I started absolutely freaking out.

Is this anime good? Yes.

Do I recommend watching it? Yes.

Do I have the motivation to keep watching it along with other animes? No.

Will I watch it without someone with me to convince me to watch it? Probably not.

Anime just really isn't my thing and I never really got as into it as some of my other friends cough Jōhō cough.

So yeah, that's all I got to talk about today.

Bye for now.

-Serena low key loves Ciel